
Moscow, November 10, 2021, 14:00 — 16:30

X International symposium
Focus on dilemmas in diagnostics and treatment

About symposium

The Russian Ophthalmologist Society, Russian Academy of Sciences, Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Nongovernmental Ecological Organization “GREENLIGHT”, Medical-Ecological Organization “GREENEYE” and the Russian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (RSCRS) are happy to invite you to participate in the X International Symposium “Controversies in Glaucoma: Focus on Dilemmas in diagnostics and treatment” on November 10, 2021.

Every year, symposium “Controversies in Glaucoma” catches the interest of ophthalmologists all over the globe and attracts many participants. The symposium has been expanding and attracting more and more contributors, which has become possible through telebridges with ophthalmologists from other countries. The goal of the symposium is to expand and broaden the expertise of Russian medics in the field of glaucoma diagnostics and treatment, as well as to establish a dialog between Russian and foreign specialists on the most complicated and controversial aspects of glaucoma.

This year symposium will be marked by the participation of international experts from Canada (N.levin), Singapore (L.Schmetterer), China (N.Wang) and Switzerland (K. Mansouri and T. Shaarawy). The project is authored and coordinated by Professor Natalya Kurysheva. The telebridge will be moderated by Natalya Kurysheva, Sergey Petrov.

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Download the program (PDF)



Remo Susanna Jr.
Remo Susanna Jr.

Founder and served as president of the Latin America Glaucoma Society from 2000 to 2008. Served as governor of the Association of International Glaucoma Societies from 2001 to 2003. Ex-President of the Pan American Glaucoma Society and Past president of the World Glaucoma Association. He has authored and edited nine books, 32 book chapters and over 280 papers on glaucoma. He has served on the editorial board of three ophthalmic journals and is a reviewer for numerous journals including British Journal of Ophthalmology, Archives of Ophthalmology, and Journal of Glaucoma. Has a patent for the Susanna implant for the treatment of glaucoma, the implant most commonly used in Brazil. The driving force behind the creation of programs in Brazil that provide free cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment and eye care for children from disadvantaged families. He developed the Early Diagnostic Program based in stereo-photographs launch ed in Europe and Asia, considered one of the best programs to teach physicians to diagnose glaucoma optic neuropathy

Kaweh Mansouri
Kaweh Mansouri

Consultant ophthalmologist at the Montchoisie Clinic in Lausanne. Medical Director of the Geneva Eye Bank and an expert of the Swiss Federal Medical Examination in ophthalmology. Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, USA, since 2014. He was twice included in the list of leading ophthalmologists «40 best under 40 years». Professor Mansouri is a pioneer of microinvasive glaucoma surgery, which has revolutionized the reduction of intraocular pressure in glaucoma. With his participation, a new method of continuous IOP measurement using high-tech contact lenses was developed.

Leopold Schmetterer
Leopold Schmetterer

Scientific Director and Head of the Eye Visualization Department of the Singapore Eye Research Institute. Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University; Honorary Professor of Ophthalmology, Li Kong Chian Medical School, Nanyang Technological University; Visiting Professor, Institute of Ophthalmology, Basel, Switzerland. Professor Schmetterer is involved in many studies of the retina, cornea, glaucoma, and dry eye. He has more than 300 peer-reviewed publications; has been invited to more than 200 lectures; and has received a research funding grant worth more than 35 million Singapore dollars. He is a member of the editorial boards of 10 journals, including Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, Scientific Reports, Acta Ophthalmologica, Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Current Eye Research and others, as well as a special reviewer in more than 40 journals.

Ningli Wang
Ningli Wang

President of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology and the Chinese Association of Ophthalmologists. President of the Chinese Society of Public Health Ophthalmologists. Member of the Council of the World Glaucoma Association. Member of the Board of the Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society. Director and Vice-President of the Eye Center of Beijing Tongren Hospital, China. Author of the book: «Integrative Ophthalmology» 2020. Head of the National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness.

Leonard A. Levin
Leonard A. Levin

Professor and Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Professor of Neurology & Neurosurgery, McGill University, Riva & Thomas O. Hecht Family Chair in Ophthalmology, McGill University, and Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology at the University of Wisconsin. Past president of the Association of Canadian University Professors of Ophthalmology. He is on the steering committee of the National Eye Institute Audacious Goals Initiative. His clinical expertise is in ophthalmology, focused on neuro-ophthalmology and glaucomatous optic neuropathy. His basic and clinical research focuses on developing new drugs for these diseases, many of which are difficult or impossible to treat. He has published more than 190 peer-reviewed papers, reviews, and book chapters, and has 4 issued patents, all related to eye disease. He has edited five textbooks in ophthalmology or neuro-ophthalmology, including Neuro-Ophthalmology: The Practical Guide, Ocular Disease: Mechanisms and Management, and the 11th edition of Adler’s Physiology of the Eye, and has written chapters or been section editor for many of the major textbooks in ophthalmology.

Tarek Shaarawy
Tarek Shaarawy

Head of the Glaucoma Department and the Glaucoma Surgery Research Group at the University of Geneva Clinic, Private Associate Professor at the University of Geneva. President of the International Society of Glaucoma Surgery, Deputy Vice-President of the World Glaucoma Association. Founding member of the Board of Trustees of the Baladi Foundation, created for the treatment of patients in Egypt.

Natalia I. Kurysheva
Natalia I. Kurysheva

Dr. of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Federal Medical and Biological University of Innovations and Continuing Education of the FMBA of Russia; Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology of the APO of the FSBI FNCC of the FMBA of Russia; Head of the Consultative and Diagnostic Department of the Center of Ophthalmology of the FMBA of Russia; a member of the European Glaucoma Society and the American Academy of Ophthalmology; honorary member of the Italian Glaucoma Society; scientific supervisor and coordinator of the Federal Target Group Programs «Glaucoma Opticoneuropathy». Natalia is a representative of Russian Ophthalmology in the European Association of Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine. The research interests: etiology, pathogenesis, laser and surgical treatment of glaucoma, neuroprotection, angle-closure, normotensive and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, retinal diseases. For the last 10 years, she has been studying new methods of optic nerve and retina visualization in glaucoma, the progression of the disease, and ocular blood flow and the personalized treatment of the primary angle clouser. Author of more than 300 scientific papers, including 50 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 10 monographs on the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma and ocular blood flow, as well as 10 patents for inventions. Member of the editorial board of the National Journal of Glaucoma (Russia) and Ophthalmology Journal (Russia), a reviewer of the British Journal of Ophthalmology (BJO), Bulletin of Ophthalmology and other prominent international journals. She was awarded by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for scientific research on topical issues of fundamental and applied science in the field of education, achievements in the training of highly qualified specialists, for the introduction of new forms and methods of teaching in the educational process. The author of two recent monographs: COVID-19 and visual organ damage, 2021, and Dry age-related macular degenerations, 2021, a member of International Optical Circulation Society (IOCS).

Sergey Petrov
Sergey Petrov
Moscow, Russian Federation

Head of the Glaucoma Department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Helmholtz National Research Centre of Eye Disease» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Professor of the Department of Continuing Medical Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Helmholtz National Research Centre of Eye Disease» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation He defended the Ph.D. thesis titled «Possibilities of non-peRussiaorating antiglaucoma surgery in primary open angle glaucoma» and the doctoral thesis titled «The system of prolonged hypotensive effect of antiglaucoma surgery». The field of his research interests includes etiology, pathogenesis, laser and surgical treatment of glaucoma, neuroprotection, as well as angle-closure, normotensive and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma. Sergey published over 240 scientific papers, including 4 in foreign journals. He received over 20 patents for inventions in Russia and published 6 scientific monographs. He is a co-chairman of the Expert Glaucoma Council at the Association of Ophthalmologists, a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmologists, a member of the European Glaucoma Society, and a member of the International Society of Glaucoma Surgery (ISGS).


14:00 – 14:05
Welcoming speech and introductions

Kurysheva N., Russia

14:00 – 14:05
14:05 – 14:25
Dilemma 1: Tonometry – why is it required? Pros and cons
Part 1. The continuous IOP monitoring is more important than single tonometry measurements

Kaweh M., Switzerland

Part 2. Peak, Mean or fluctuation, what matters most in glaucoma progression?

Remo Susanna Jr., Brazil

14:25 – 14:40
Dilemma 2: Perimetry vs OCT vs OCTA - what is more reliable and how often it should be done?

Shmetterer L., Austria-Singapore

14:25 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
Dilemma 3: Newly diagnosed glaucoma – what should be done at first?

Kurysheva N., Russia

14:40 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:10
15:10 - 15:25
Dilemma 4: Different forms of glaucoma – are the approaches to hypotensive treatment similar?

Ningli Wang, China

15:10 - 15:25
15:25 – 15:40
Dilemma 5: Maximum drug therapy or surgery – what is better?

Petrov S., Moscow, Russian Federation

15:25 – 15:40
15:40 – 15:55
Dilemma 6: Trabeculectomy vs Non-invasive Surgery vs MIGs – what to choose?

Tarek Shaarawy, Switzerland

15:40 – 15:55
15:55 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:20
Dilemma 7: Should neuroprotective therapy be prescribed if its effectiveness is not yet scientifically established

L. A. Levin, Canada

16:00 – 16:20
16:20 – 16:25
16:25 – 16:30
Closing remarks

Kurysheva N., Russia

16:25 – 16:30


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